I'm Matt Easton and I'm probably most known as a YouTuber, running the
Schola Gladiatoria channel, having over 470K subscribers and getting up to 2 million views every month.
I started out as a medieval history and archaeology student at UCL (Institute of Archaeology), and during that time started training HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) alongside the academic study of arms and armour as part of my degree. In 2000 I founded my own HEMA club Schola Gladiatoria and a few years later started what has become
the biggest annual UK HEMA event, FightCamp.
I have lectured and demonstrated at places like the Royal Armouries, the Tower of London, the Wallace Collection, the Stibbert Museum Florence and the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. I have taught all over Europe and also in the USA. I have also contributed to a few books and publications, and am working on others.
I also became an extensive collector of antique weapons, which in the last few years led me into becoming the Director of
Easton Antique Arms
and working for a time as Head of Arms & Armour at a London auction house. I also consult for other dealers and auction houses.
I have consulted for various TV, movie and stage productions, including training fighters for a BBC show, appearing repeatedly on 'Ancient Assassins', on 'Expedition Unknown', and various other TV projects, with more upcoming. I have also consulted museums and heritage projects.
I now spend a lot of time leading on product development with various companies, most famously the official certified Royal Armouries replicas.
For several years I have also consulted various parties on the legal issues around edged weapons, including county police forces, lawyers, NPCC and the Home Office. I am a former Civil Servant (17 years across the Lord Chancellor's Department, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Home Office and Department for International Development/UK AID).