With over 400K subscribers and up to 2 million views every month, my YouTube channel reaches a lot of people interested in military history and weapons.
- Albion Swords
- Cold Steel
- Tod Cutler
- Kvetun Armoury
- Regenyei Armoury
- Sigi Forge
- Dynasty Forge
- Landsknecht Emporium
- Fabrica Cacti
- Del Tin
- Thor's Forge
- Danelli Armouries
- Fabri Armorum
- Darksword Armory
- Hanwei
- LK Chen
- Kailash Blades
- Windlass
- Deepeeka
- Krieger Armory
- Ravensbeak Forge
- Swords of Northshire
- Jkoo
I am happy to provide feedback on products sent to me, and I can provide either private or public reviews.
There are many advertising options possible through the YouTube channel and items with positive reviews gain a lot of publicity and attention very quickly. Advertising via YouTube is extremely effective in reaching target audiences, and the cost of one sample is greatly exceeded by subsequent sales. I regularly host paid advertising on the channel, but product reviews are always fair, unbiased and impartial.
If you would like to talk about reviewing your products or advertising, then get in touch at scholagladiatoriachannel@gmail.com